My Wasted Youth

Alexander Manitoba

5th Book


1st Book Naughty Natalie Series


Jan 26 2021 -- My Wasted Youth: Alexander Manitoba (Naughty Natalie Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Barnes, Joey. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ (as of july 2021, the Ebook is only $2.99 usa money)


Jan 27 2021 -- Naughty Natalie Series (3 book series) Paperback Edition (


September 2020


This book tells my stories of being 8 years old and moving from the nice suburbs of Brandon Manitoba in 1974 to the small farming town of Alexander Manitoba. It is written through my eyes of what I seen growing up and how I viewed things. The stories end when I’m no longer a resident of Alexander Manitoba and a working man living back in Brandon Manitoba. There is lots of references in the stories as to how different the time period was back in those simpler days.


5th book tommy


as of July 2021, i have never personally seen any of my books on amazon due to the covid 19 lock down rules and not being able to mail author's copies to northern canada.


Other Books Written By King of Obsolete


April 04 2021 -- Joey Barnes KoO Book Author Page


June 20 2021 -- 37 Dodge Failed CSRA Safety Inspection